Abstract Submissions
Submission of Abstracts
The Organising Committee would like to invite submission of abstracts for the SA Transplant Congress (SATS) 2023, to be held at Protea Hotel by Marriott® Cape Town Waterfront Breakwater Lodge, Cape Town, South Africa, from 17 – 19 November 2023.
Abstracts to be considered for oral Platform or oral flash presentation (please indicate your preference).
Presentation Formats
Oral platform (10 minutes)
Oral flash (3 minutes)
Authors are requested to follow the instructions clearly.
Abstract Format
Maximum of 300 words in MS Word. Font: Arial 10pt. No graphs, figures, tables, or diagrams permitted.
English (Poorly written abstracts will not be accepted)
Abstracts must contain:
The names of all authors (first name and surname)
Affiliations of all authors
E-mail address of the corresponding author
Contact address
Contact telephone number
The title must define the topic, be concise (excessively long titles may be shortened at the discretion of the organising committee) and contain no abbreviations
The text should cover the Research Abstract Introduction, Methods, Results & Conclusions| Case Report Introduction, Case & Discussion. An adequate description of the methods and results are a prerequisite to be considered.
Abstracts must contain results
In the text, only standard abbreviations need not be defined. Non-standard abbreviations and acronyms must be defined on first use.
Abstracts received after the cut-off date; incomplete abstracts; abstracts without affiliations of all authors, abstracts without full contact details; abstracts in excess of 300 words and abstracts containing figures or tables will not be published.
Kindly divide your abstract according to the following headings:
Research Abstract
Case Report
Case Report - Introduction, Case, Discussion
Research Abstract - Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion
Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee who reserves the right to accept and allocate abstracts for oral Platform or oral flash presentation. Presenters will be notified by the 31 August 2023 if their abstract has been accepted. All presenters of accepted abstracts must be registered as Congress delegates.
Oral Presentation
The official language of the conference is English. There will be selected oral presentations.
Abstracts (with the author’s permission) will be published on the congress website www.satransplantcongress2023.co.za